The Committee considered an update report presented by Rachel Rooney, Commissioning and Development Manager, NHS County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group, on the Shotley Bridge Community Hospital Programme (for copy see file of minutes).
The Commissioning and Development Manager explained public engagement took place in the spring of 2019 and a proposed model of care had been developed, however, due to the impact of Covid-19 it was necessary to revisit the model in order to reflect recent changes in ways of working such as the increase in the number of virtual appointments and the utilisation of community hospitals throughout the pandemic. The changes will be taken into account and discussed with clinicians, with a view to a proposed public engagement plan being presented to the Committee for comment. Whilst It is hoped that public engagement will take place in November 2020, the Commissioning and Development Manager acknowledged the difficulties in carrying out any public engagement activity at the present time, and she assured the Committee that contingencies will be built into the plan.
The Committee noted that the proposed sites at Leadgate and Blackfyne had been found to be unviable partly due to highways issues. Therefore, the remaining options for consideration are the redevelopment of the current Shotley Bridge Hospital site, and, the site at Puddlers Corner, Genesis Way. Financial assessments will be carried out to inform a business case and to identify a preferred option. The Commissioning and Development Manager outlined the key milestones of the proposed timeline, however, she requested that the Committee bear in mind the high level of uncertainty at the present time.
The Chair thanked the Commissioning and Development Manager for the update and praised the work of all those involved in the project including Councillor Hovvels, local members, and, members of the reference groups. He remarked that the progress of the project was testament to the excellent partnership working that was taking place and he was pleased to report that the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, had endorsed the project during his recent visit. The Commissioning and Development Manager thanked the Committee for their ongoing input and the challenge they provide.
Councillor T Tucker referred to the current social-distancing restrictions and questioned how a comprehensive public consultation could be undertaken at this time.
The Commissioning and Development Manager explained that the project managers are mindful of the limitations, however, the aim is to ensure the engagement exercise is open, accessible and inclusive to all, including those most vulnerable in the community as they are often in most need. Whilst new methods of engagement are being considered, there is an awareness that not all members of the public have access to / are able to use technology and the Commissioning and Development Manager said that a dedicated telephone line is available for public engagement, where messages can be left and calls are followed-up. It is hoped that existing voluntary sector forums, stakeholders and NHS / care service providers be will be utilised in the consultation exercise, and, suggestions from members on methods of engagement would be welcomed.
Councillor A Shield, local member for Leadgate and Medomsley, informed the Committee on matters discussed at AAP meetings including concerns regarding the highways issues and the anaerobic digester close to the Leadgate site. Referring to the site at Puddlers Corner, Councillor Shield informed members that the Genesis Trust is planning to submit a planning application for an energy recovery facility, which will be subject to approval by the Planning Committee. Councillor Shield also referred to the demise of Derwentside Mind and he added that the reference group had discussed that consideration could be given to Tees and Esk Mental Health Team forming part of the new facility. The Commissioning and Development Manager informed the Committee that the proposed energy facility is being taken into consideration, as the investigation of renewable energy sources forms part of the project.
Councillor O Temple sought assurance that any development of the existing site would not lead to interruption of the existing hospital services. He echoed Councillor T Tucker’s comments that the engagement exercise should include telephone engagement, alongside digital methods, commenting that many people, including the elderly, prefer to engage by phone or do not have access to technology. The Commissioning and Development Manager assured Councillor Temple that continuity of care was considered as part of the original options appraisal, and, will feature highly in the future appraisal.
The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Manager stated that, in line with standard practice, it was requested that the proposals for the public engagement be shared with the Committee in due course.
i. That the report be noted.
The Chair of the Adults Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee proposed the additional recommendation.
It was further:
ii. That the public engagement plan be presented to a future meeting of the Adults Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration and comment.
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