Agenda item

Quarter One 2020/21 Performance Management Report


The committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources presented by Angela Harrington, Strategy Team Leader, which detailed progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategy Team Leader explained that the quarter one report covered the period April to June but also included some information relating to the final quarter of 2019-20, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the reporting process.  Future corporate performance reports will reflect the Covid-19 recovery plan, and, the revised reporting requirements outlined in the Council Plan for 2020-23.


Highlighting some areas of performance, the Strategy Team Leader informed the Committee that a new provider for the stop smoking service had been in place since April and the service had moved to provide telephone-based support in response to Covid-19.  This saw an improvement in engagement, particularly with pregnant smokers, with the number of pregnant smokers, accessing the support, doubling on the same period last year.  Data for the period also showed a slight improvement with regard to excess weight in adults for County Durham.  Data will continue to be monitored in the light of Covid-19 and its impacts on mental and physical health.  The increasing demands on adult social care will be analysed and partnership working will continue across the board, to monitor and respond to issues as and when they arise.  The Strategy Team Leader informed the Committee that work is being undertaken to improve the way performance data is shared, in order to target support.




That the report be noted.


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