The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which presented progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework (for copy see file of minutes).
Councillor Hall asked whether performance data with regards to literacy rates could be monitored in addition to attainment. The Corporate Equality and Strategy Manager confirmed that it would be difficult to monitor specific literacy rates which would be addressed through the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and data provided on the Durham Insight website. He would enquire with colleagues in Education whether an additional measure was possible.
J Norman referred to the Kickstart scheme and asked if jobs created were likely to be monitored to determine whether employees were being offered more than 25 hours which was the minimum requirement employers were required to offer.
The Corporate Equality and Strategy Manager confirmed that again it was difficult to monitor people placements and outcomes but the service would try and reflect as much detail as possible at the point of reporting. It was an interesting programme and would be difficult to monitor the impact initially as the true impact would not be seen for two to three years.
The Chair referred to the way in which social work colleagues had managed to work under extremely difficult circumstances and had to adapt their practices, the infogram was very good despite the circumstances and she congratulated them on behalf of the Committee.
That the report be noted.
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