Conversion of existing garages to form 2 no. bungalows.
The Planning Officer, JJ, gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. The application was for the conversion of existing garages to form 2 no. bungalows and was recommended for approval subject to conditions and a Section 106 Legal Agreement.
The Planning Officer, JJ referred to the site plans and photographs and explained the two proposed bungalows would be for affordable rent. In terms of consultation responses, she noted thatNorthumbrian Water Limited had confirmed a public sewer crossed the site, however, they would work with developer to establish location and ensure any necessary diversion or relocation was undertaken as required. She noted that the Highway Section had confirmed the three parking spaces for use by the development and improvements to the turning head were acceptable. She added Highways had identified that the works would displace on street parking that currently took place at the application site, however, sufficient capacity was available just beyond the site and therefore they offered no objections to the application.
The Planning Officer, JJ noted there was support from the Council’s Housing Development Team for additional affordable housing units and in reference to paragraph 87 of the Committee report and noted that the Contaminated Land section did not require a condition to be attached in relation to the application. She explained that the Nuisance Action Team raised no objections to the proposals and the Ecology Team had confirmed that a financial contribution was required due to the location of the development close to protected coastal habitats, in the sum of £756.61 per dwelling to be secured through a Section 106 agreement should permission be granted.
The Planning Officer, JJ referred to six letters of objection to the application citing reasons including: detrimental impact on parking in the area which was already hugely problematic for local residents; concerns over loss of garages; concerns over the construction phase and impact on parking and neighbouring residents; and concern over appearance of the buildings not being in keeping with existing buildings. She added one letter of support had been received stating the garages were not well used, were an eyesore and encouraged anti-social behaviour and that the proposals would bring much needed housing to the area.
The Planning Officer, JJ noted the application would be considered under Paragraph 11 of the NPPF, with the emerging policies in the CDP carrying significant weight and therefore must be considered as part of the planning balance. She noted the benefits were the site was highly sustainable, and the development would improve the character and design of the area. She added that there were issues in terms of separation distances in respect of the internal courtyard, however, it was felt that it was acceptable and would offer passive security for elderly residents. She reiterated the issues in terms of displacement of parking and explained that providing substitute parking would be cost prohibitive and would not be in scale with the development. She concluded by noting Officers felt the benefits of the scheme outweighed the adverse impacts and therefore the application was recommended for approval.
The Chair noted no registered speakers and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.
Councillor J Blakey proposed the scheme be approved as per the recommendations within the report, adding there was a desperate need for more bungalows of this type adding such conversion of garages would be welcomed in her Electoral Division.
Councillor P Taylor seconded the proposal for approval, noting the scheme was very good and would make the site look considerably better and while there would be a loss of parking, the proposed development greatly outweighed that loss.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement as set out within the report.
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