Agenda item

Regulation 44 visits: Verbal Update from Senior Commissioning Officer


Dawn  Wilson, Senior Commissioning Officer reported that virtual visits had taken place since March and the statutory requirements had been met throughout the pandemic. 


As a result of feedback from the Panel, future Regulation 44 visits reports will be in a new, summarised format. 


The Chair praised the current model of quality assurance and thanked the Commissioning Officers for their professional approach. 


The Chair asked members to consider the two vacancies and asked that they speak to him, or, the Senior Partnership Officer if they required further information.   Councillor Tucker commented that she would be happy to fill one of the vacancies.


Councillor Tucker commented that the meeting had been very productive adding that she was pleased to see that children looked after and care leavers have been well supported and encouraged throughout the pandemic.  She added that staff in Children’s Services had clearly done a great deal of work over recent months and they should be commended.  The Head of Children’s Social Care thanked the Panel for the kind words, saying they were much appreciated and she assured the Panel that she would pass these comments to staff at the next staff briefing.