Agenda item

Minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2020


With amendments to two typographical errors in the first sentence of the eighth paragraph of minute number 8, to replace the word ‘swaying’ with ‘saying’, and to insert the word ‘to’ before ‘present themselves’, the minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2020 were confirmed as a correct record and would be signed by the Chair.


The following matters arising were reported.


Minute No. 6 – The Chair welcomed Rachel Rooney, Commissioning and Development Manager, NHS County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group, to provide the Committee with an update on the Shotley Bridge Hospital programme.  The Commissioning and Development Manager informed the Committee that, during late October, information was received from the Department of Health and Social Care which indicated that Shotley Bridge Hospital would be one of forty hospitals to receive capital funding and liaison was taking place with NHS England to ensure the appropriate processes are utilised to take this forward. 


As a result, an engagement exercise is to take place in the forthcoming months, with a view to consultation taking place in summer 2021, and, final completion of the project by 2024.


The Chair thanked the Commissioning and Development Manager for attending the meeting to provide the update and he took the opportunity to thank health colleagues and all those involved in the project, including reference group members and local members, for their valuable contribution and cross-party support.


Minute No. 7 – Councillor Bell referred to his comment regarding the difficulty in finding granular level data on the Durham Insight website. He reported that, subsequent to the meeting, with assistance from the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, he had located the data, however, he expressed concern that the process is not straightforward.  Amanda Healy, Director of Public Health, informed the Committee that, following feedback, the data dashboard is now more prominent on the Durham Insight website, and, Member Development training sessions have been arranged to provide further information on how to use the dashboard.  Members will be advised of the dates of the training sessions as soon as possible.  In addition, bi-weekly newsletters are circulated members, to provide up-to-date information. 


Minute No. 7 - Councillor Temple echoed the Chair’s comments on the continuing progress being made on the Shotley Bridge Hospital programme and how pleasing it is to see political groups working together to achieve a common goal.  He referred to the question he asked regarding visiting to care homes during the pandemic and to new government guidance in relation to visits to care homes and hospitals.  The Corporate Director for Adult and Health Services responded that the guidance had been published within previous days and a briefing note on the guidance was being developed for circulation to members as soon as possible.


Referring to hospital visits, Sue Jacques, Chief Executive of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust informed the Committee that the second wave of COVID-19 is seeing an increase in the number of people admitted to hospital, and, visiting had been restricted to only those approaching the end of life.  However, specific circumstances were being considered, on an individual basis and the situation is under continuous review.


Speaking on behalf of Durham and Darlington TEWV NHS Foundation Trust, Jennifer Illingworth, Director of Operations, informed the Committee that during the first wave of COVID-19, visiting was ceased, however, this was found to have a detrimental impact on the health and wellbeing of service users. 


She explained the current situation is that visiting is allowed, where it is safe to do so, on a risk assessed basis, with a comprehensive risk assessment being carried out on service users and visitors.  Visits are encouraged to take place outdoors where possible, a booking system has been implemented, and, large volumes of visitors are not permitted.  


Minute No. 9 – The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer confirmed the Overview and Scrutiny Review report into GP Services in County Durhamwill be considered at the Cabinet meeting to be held on Wednesday 18 November 2020.


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