Agenda item

Winter Planning - Report and presentation by Sue Jacques, Chief Executive, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and Chair of the Local Accident and Emergency Delivery Board


The Committee received a report and presentation of Sue Jacques, Chief Executive of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and Chair of the Local Accident and Emergency Delivery Board which provided an update on the System Winter Plan for 2020/21 (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).


The Chief Executive explained this year’s winter plan differs from that of previous years as it includes additional plans to protect the system from the impact of COVID-19.  The Committee noted that Durham and Darlington Local Resilience Forum is an integral part of winter/COVID-19 tracking and forecasting with plans being updated in accordance with advice based on research. The Chief Executive delivered a presentation which highlighted the key objectives and provided a summary of the plans to manage and mitigate anticipated system pressure.  With plans taking into consideration that winter pressures are likely to be greater this year, the Chief Executive outlined the main implications of the higher level of risk caused by COVID-19 and explained that whilst the most optimal plan has been developed, at present, it is unknown how COVID-19 will impact demand. Processes are in place across partner organisations to review the position throughout the winter and to address any exceptional circumstances as and when they may arise. 


Councillor Tucker referred to the flu vaccination programme and asked for information on how well this had been received across the county, and, in particular, whether the restrictions on movement during the pandemic had negatively impacted the uptake.  The Chief Executive responded that early indicators show uptake is higher this year than during the same period last year, and, in terms of staff, the area has the second highest uptake across the north-east and north Cumbria.  She added that GPs had acted early to purchase the vaccine and had purchased greater quantities.  The Chief Executive commented that she would be happy to circulate the most                   up-to-date information on this matter to the Committee, following the meeting.


The Director of Public Health added that steps have been taken to develop innovative ways of working to maximise the reach to members of the public to access the vaccine safely during the pandemic, and, it is hoped that the measures in place to stop the spread of COVID-19 including increased                  hand-washing and the use of face coverings will also contribute to the prevention of the spread of flu.  She added that GPs and pharmacies have sufficient supplies of the vaccine to provide for all social care staff, including domiciliary carers.


Councillor Temple congratulated those involved in the vaccination programme in his ward, commenting on how well organised and efficient the clinics had been. 


Rosemary Hassoon and the Chair commented on how impressed they had been with the excellent service provided at Darlington Accident and Emergency department during recent visits.  The Chief Executive explained that Durham and Darlington hospitals had been quickly mobilised to increase their footprints during the first wave of COVID-19 and this had proved to have a positive impact.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked all staff for their hard work and sent best wishes to staff and patients of the Trust.




a)   to receive the plan for assurance that a System Winter Plan has been put in place to protect services over the winter period and that there is robust daily oversight;

b)   to note the increased levels of risk in relation to the winter period, given the combination of winter pressures and COVID-19;

c)    to note that work is still ongoing to agree mutual aid responses across the North East and Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS), and LADB partners continue to rapidly respond to new guidance being released.


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