Agenda item

Quarter One 2020/2021 Budget Forecast


The Committee considered the Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Resources and Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which set out details of the forecast outturn budget position for the service area. The report highlighted and explained any major variances in comparison with the budget. The Finance Manager, Neighbourhoods and Climate Change was in attendance to present the report and gave a presentation (for copy of report and presentation, see file of minutes).


The Finance Manager indicated that the quarter one report was the first since the split of the Regeneration and Local Services service grouping. He highlighted the COVID costs for quarter one which the authority will be reimbursed from Government.


The Finance Manager advised that the underspends were masking budget pressures and unachieved medium term financial plan spends. Some contracts had been delayed due to COVID-19 and are manifest as an underspend within the current year.


Members were advised of a typo in the Capital Outturn table for Environmental Services outturn which read £2,978,000 that should be £6,089,000, the total was still correct. The capital budget is expected to be fully spent by the year end.


Resolved: That the contents of the report be noted.

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