Agenda item

3/2010/0213 - Fleming Way, Low Willington

Substitution of house types and additional 18 no. properties


Substitution of House Types and Additional 18 no. Properties


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


In discussing the application a Member sought an assurance that, as the application was to erect additional properties on the site, this would not result in them being smaller in size, particularly the semi-detached houses.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the majority of the properties were detached, with approximately 6 semi-detached properties proposed. The design of the dwellings were typical of other developments of this type and the bedrooms would be able to accommodate a double bed. 




That the application be approved as outlined in the report, subject to the completion of a revised Section 106 Legal Agreement and to the following amendments to conditions:-


(i)                 condition number 6 be amended to include a timescale for the completion of the scheme of landscaping;

(ii)               Condition number 9 be withdrawn.   

Supporting documents: