Agenda item

Performance Report for Quarter 2, 2011/12 - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee noted a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services, the purpose of which was to present performance in relation to complaints, compliments and suggestions for quarter 2 of 2011/12 and to highlight any learning outcomes resulting from them. In addition the report provided an update in relation to developments in the collection, monitoring and management of complaints (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Service Development Manager was in attendance to deliver the report and an overview presentation of the statutory, non statutory and Local Government Ombudsman complaints received throughout the period (for copy of slides see file of Minutes)


Both the Chair and Vice Chair took the opportunity to update the Committee regarding the visits they took to the Corporate Complaints team. During the recent visit both had expressed concerns regarding the increase in Revenues and Benefits related complaints which had resulted from the project to harmonise the Council’s Benefits systems.


The Divisional Head of Revenues and Benefits was in attendance to advise Members of the processes involved in harmonising the systems and to respond to questions. Members were reassured that measures had been taken to ensure that the problems encountered would be resolved imminently.


Councillor E Bell reassured the Committee that the Audit Committee had received a presentation regarding the problems which had been encountered by the Revenues and Benefits section during the harmonisation process. The Audit Committee had accepted that there were extenuating circumstances which had led to difficulties occurring and Members had been left reassured that the situation would be resolved by the end of 2011.


In response to a query regarding the acknowledgement of letters of complaint, the Service Development Manager advised that all complaints were considered and processed based on the date they were received by the Authority, not just by the Complaints Team. This would ensure that the majority of complaints were acknowledged within 10 days of being received by the Authority. He continued to advise that new measures had recently been put into place which allowed customer service staff to respond to complaints, and more information on this would be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.


The Chair requested that Revenues and Benefits were represented at the next meeting of the Committee in order to provide Members with a progress report.




That the report be noted.


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