Agenda item

3/2011/0349 - Land South East of William Street, Auckland Park, Bishop Auckland

Outline application for the erection of 20 dwellings (including 4 affordable bungalows)


Outline Application for the Erection of 20 Dwellings (including 4 affordable bungalows)


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


Mr S Hesmondalgh, the applicant’s agent stated that the land was situated between housing on 3 sides. The access was deemed acceptable by Highways and had recently been upgraded.


He reassured Members that although this was an outline application the developers were committed to providing 4 affordable bungalows and that 20 dwellings would be the maximum number of properties built on the site. 


In deliberating the application Members acknowledged that there were other sequentially preferable sites located in the settlement boundary which had been identified within the SHLAA, but accepted that this development would not prejudice the delivery of housing in these other locations.


A local Member welcomed the proposal for this much-needed new housing, adding that the recreation ground in the location was currently being improved and would be overlooked by properties. This would help to ensure the safety of children playing there.




That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement which detailed the delivery of 4 affordable units, and included a £10k contribution to the provision and subsequent maintenance of related social, community and/or recreational facilities in the locality

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