Agenda item

Unc. Glenhurst Road & Oak Road, Easington Colliery - Traffic Calming Measures


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth regarding proposals relating to changes to traffic calming measures at Glenhurst Road and Oak Road, Easington Colliery (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Head of Transport and Contract Services informed the Committee that the proposals to address issues of speeding, the Local County Councillor and residents having raised concerns regarding the speed of vehicles using both Glenhurst Road and Oak Road.  He added that there was concerns raised as both streets are residential in nature, and an accident may occur due to the number of children living and playing in the area.  Members noted that as a result of the concerns raised, the Traffic Assets Team proposed to introduce traffic calming measures on Oak Road and Glenhurst Road in order to maintain lower vehicle speeds.


The Committee noted a statutory notice of the proposal was posted in a local newspaper and at appropriate points within the affected streets between 29th August 2019 and 19th September 2019 and in addition, all statutory consultees including the Chief Officers of the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Services were consulted as well as Local County Councillors, Councillor A Surtees and Councillor D Boyes.


It was explained one formal objection from a local resident of Oak Road was received during the notice period.  The resident noted objections on the basis that there were not many children in the street and that speed humps can cause damage to cars. 


The Head of Transport and Contract Services noted that the design of such traffic calming measures would provide benefits for residents in terms of speed reduction, and if motorists slowed to an appropriate speed, they would not cause damage to their vehicles. 


Councillor J Shuttleworth Moved the recommendation as detailed in the report.


Councillor J Turnbull Seconded the recommendation as detailed in the report.




That the Committee endorse the proposal in principle to proceed with the implementation of the traffic calming measures as detailed in Appendix 2 (Glenhurst Road Traffic Calming) and Appendix 3 (Oak Road Traffic Calming) to the Committee Report.  With the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.


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