The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth regarding proposals relating to changes to parking bays and changes to ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions within Durham City - South East (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Head of Transport and Contract Services informed the Committee that the proposals to address issues were as follows:
New Elvet
The proposal for New Elvet were to reconfigure the existing layby to accommodate parallel parking, vehicles currently parking at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the kerb (echelon parking) and were therefore required to reverse out into oncoming traffic. It was noted that longer vehicles would protrude into the running lane causing a danger particularly to through traffic and cyclists. The Committee noted the proposal replaced two blue badge holder bays with a loading only bay to accommodate the requirements of adjacent commercial premises.
Members were informed that the existing blue badge bays were not in an ideal position as they required the occupants to alight onto the carriageway, on a gradient, and then traverse around the rear of the vehicle, in the live carriageway, to access the dropped kerb onto the footway. There are alternative, more suitable, blue badge holder bays close to this location and blue badge holders may also park for an unlimited length of time, without charge, in any of the nearby pay and display bays.
One objection to the proposal was received from a local business owner.
Whinney Hill
The proposal for Whinney Hill was to replace a section of ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ and introduce Permit Holders or Pay and Display parking, as requested by residents in order to improve parking availability in this area of the City.
There were no objections to the proposals.
Hallgarth View
The proposal for Hallgarth View was to replace a section of Permit Holder Only parking and introduce a ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restriction to address access and safety issues due to obstructive parking from commuter and student vehicles. The request was from local residents with support of the County Councillor.
There were no objections to the proposals.
The Chair thanked the Head of Transport and Contract Services and asked the Committee for their comments and questions, noting Councillor R Ormerod was a local Member.
Councillor R Ormerod noted he would speak as a Committee Member and that he was in favour of the proposals, as reversing out of the parking bays at New Elvet was terrifying and the new arrangements would be much safer. He added with the main road bridge closed for repairs there was a good opportunity to carry out such works, though noted it appeared works had begun already. He noted the other proposals were welcomed and would help prevent people parking in an anti-social manner and thanked the Officers involved for their professional work on the schemes.
Councillor R Ormerod Moved the recommendation as detailed in the report.
Councillor J Shuttleworth Seconded the recommendation as detailed in the report.
Councillor S Dunn added that he agreed with the comments as regards the improvement in terms of safety relating to the parking at New Elvet, noting it was also on a bus route and suggested that while lines be added to clearly delineate spaces, similar to a scheme in his Division, to maximise the use of space.
That the Committee endorse the proposals in principle to proceed with the implementation of the Durham City South East Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order. With the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.
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