Agenda item

County Durham Partnership Update - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which provided an update on the issues being addressed by the County Durham Partnership and other key initiatives being carried out in partnership across the county (for copy see file of minutes).


The Chair, Councillor S Henig, Leader of the Council, thanked the people of County Durham for the role they are playing during the pandemic, and, all those involved in the wider partnership, including the County Durham Together Hub, the COVID-19 Community Champions, Area Action Partnerships and the many other partnership groups who, together, continue to do a huge amount of work to provide valuable support in their local communities. 


The Chair added that he had been privileged to attend virtual meetings of all 14 of the county’s Area Action Partnerships held during the autumn, where he had taken the opportunity to thank community groups for their hard work over recent months. 

At these events, members of the public were invited to give their views on a wide range of local issues.  Over 1,300 comments were received which will be used to inform the Council’s approach to the regeneration of towns and villages across the county.


Councillor B Stephens, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Local Partnerships, paid tribute to the excellent work of partners in the voluntary and community sector, including the AAPs, who have continued to secure valuable funding for projects to support the needs of the people within their local areas.  




That the report be noted.


Councillor A Patterson left the meeting.


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