Agenda item

Social Value and Local Wealth Building ("The County Durham Pound") - Joint Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth and Corporate Director of Resources (Interim)


The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth and the Interim Corporate Director of Resources which provided an update on a programme of targeted interventions to build on the Council’s strong track record of using its buying power and policy functions to drive local value (for copy see file of minutes). 

Councillor C Marshall placed on record his thanks for the amount of work undertaken over the years to position Durham County Council as a national leader in this area.  He welcomed the ten key initiatives outlined in the report which aim to continue to maximise the impact of the Durham pound.

Councillor A Napier echoed Councillor Marshall’s comments and thanked the Chief Procurement Officer, Darren Knowd, and the Procurement Team, for the excellent  work carried out to lead on this issue, both locally and nationally, through the LGA Social Value Taskforce. 


That the report be noted.


Councillors J Allen and B Stephens left the meeting.


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