Agenda item

Bishop Auckland Town Fund: Submission Approval - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which provided an overview of the process of submitting a Town Investment Plan to Government in order to secure capital resources from the Towns Fund.  The report identified the timescale for the submission of the Bishop Auckland Town Fund application and requested the Council’s approval is facilitated via a delegated authority arrangement (for copy see file of minutes).


Councillor C Marshall provided assurance that the Council will continue to challenge government on the bidding criteria for these schemes which precludes the submission of more than one bid.  He commented on the ambitions of the project which are in line with the Bishop Auckland Masterplan approved by Council in 2019, with the areas of potential investment proposed also being beneficial to the wider south Durham area.  He expressed his support for the proposal to make an exceptional case, and to submit a bid above the standard £25 million, subject to that case being made.


Councillor A Napier welcomed the investment and remarked that there are many other town and villages across the county that require similar investment.  He added that he is awaiting, with interest, the government’s proposals for the shared prosperity and levelling-up funds, in the hope that these funds will be distributed on the basis of need.




That the recommendation in the report be approved.




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