Agenda item

Quarter 2 - Performance Management Report 2020/21

Report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources


The Committee considered a report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources, which provided progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the Council’s corporate performance framework (for copy see file of minutes).


Councillor Coult referred to the low rate of Education, Care and Health Plan (EHCP) referrals and asked whether a spike was anticipated following COVID-19 and if so, whether the service had the capacity to deal with additional requests.  The Corporate Equality and Strategy Manager confirmed that historically there was a spike around Easter however the service had been working to try and smooth it out over the year.  This had been successful over the school year 19/20 however at the end of the last academic year there had been a small reduction.  This could indicate some additional referrals would come through however the workload would only revert back to previous years 17/18 and 16/17, so the service would be able to cope with the increased demand over a short period.


The Chair confirmed that the Committee had planned to scrutinise the response times for the completion of an EHCP however this had been delayed due to COVID-19.




That the report be noted.

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