Agenda item

Financial Monitoring Report - Position at 31/12/20, with Projected Revenue and Capital Outturn at 31/03/21


The Joint Committee considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and Interim Corporate Director of Resources and Treasurer to the Joint Committee which set out details of income and expenditure in the period 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020, together with the forecast outturn position for 2020/21, highlighting areas of over / underspend against the revenue budgets at a service expenditure analysis level.


The report further detailed the funds and reserves of the Joint Committee at 1 April 2020 and forecast outturn position at 31 March 2021, taking into account the provisional financial outturn (for copy see file of Minutes).



The Finance Manager, Neighbourhoods and Climate Change, Phillip Curran explained that the updated projected outturn showed a surplus (before transfers to reserves and distribution of surpluses to the partner authorities) of £978,197 against a budgeted surplus of £761,132, £217,065 more than the budgeted position.  It was noted that details of the significant variances were set out within in the report, with an explanation set out from paragraph 12 onwards.


The Finance Manager, Neighbourhoods and Climate Change went on to advise that in terms of the retained reserves at 31 March 2021, they were forecast to be £1,546,351 along with a General Reserve of £517,770 giving a forecast total reserves and balances position of £2,064,121 at the year end. 




That the April to December 2020 financial monitoring report and associated provisional revenue and capital outturn positions at 31 March 2021, including the projected year position with regards to the reserves and balances of the Joint Committee be noted.


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