Agenda item

Quarter Two Performance Management 2020/21


The Committee considered the report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources that presented the progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the Council’s corporate performance framework (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Corporate Scrutiny and Strategy Manager was in attendance to present the report and explained that the pandemic had affected some areas of performance.


The performance report was structured around the four ambitions contained within the County Durham Vision 2035 and the Council Plan.


The Corporate Strategy and Scrutiny Manager highlighted the performance of the service during this quarter around environmental cleanliness, fly tipping incidents, carbon emissions and waste collection and disposal.


He explained that they were developing an Environment and Climate Change Partnership that would be responsible for the county’s Climate Emergency Response Plan and the development of an Ecological Response Plan and this may be something that the committee want to look at in more detail when the plan was developed.


The Chair commented that the report seemed to be shorter than usual and asked if there was a reason for this. The Corporate Scrutiny and Strategy Manager responded by explaining that outturn against some performance indicators is not available quarterly. For instance, performance against some measures is only published annually. When performance against annual measures becomes available then it is included in the next quarterly report to committee and these reports will be longer. The length of performance reports is therefore linked to what performance data is available for the reporting quarter.


Resolved: That the report be noted.

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