Agenda item

Education Durham Report to SACRE


Members considered the Education Durham Report to SACRE that provided details of the support to schools in 2020-2021 to date (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Education Durham Support and Provisional Lead Officer presented the report and advised Members that the national data around examinations had not been collected in the same way as it would normally be collected due to the way in which grades were awarded to pupils in terms of their GCSEs and A Levels, so a comparison could not be made, and the data had not been published.


Members were advised that the Primary Christmas Resource Pack was provided to schools free of charge as a gesture of goodwill and the Easter Resources Pack had launched today.


Members asked if C Robson would be in in attendance at future SACRE meetings to feedback on work she had done with schools and on national conferences she had attended


Resolved: That the report be noted.

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