Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny response to the Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document and the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document

Report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources – presented by the Overview and Scrutiny Officer.


The Chair asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Diane Close to give details on the report relating to Overview and Scrutiny response to the Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document and the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document (for copy see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer thanked the Chair and reminded Members the consultation in relation to the Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document and the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document closed 26 February 2021 and that Committee Members had received a briefing document in January in relation to the documents and responses had been requested by 29 January to feed into the consultation.  She highlighted points relating to the Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document were set out at paragraph 17 onwards, and paragraph 21 onwards in respect of the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document.  She explained that Members comments received were set out within the report and that some Members had responded to say that they felt it appropriate for the Committee to receive and comment on the draft plans during the second consultation stage planned for June/July.


Councillor F Tinsley referred to the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document, noting it was a very good document, however, he felt it had an omission in terms of electric vehicle charging point standards. 


He noted there was information relating to new housing, however, he added that 40 percent of houses in County Durham were existing terraced properties and therefore, he felt, the document should provide a statement on how the Council would proactively and flexibly approach retrofitting electric vehicle charging points for those more difficult properties.  The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted the comments to be included in the response from the Committee.  The Spatial Policy Team Leader, Peter Ollivere noted the comments and added Officers were looking at guidance on those matters, such as licences for cables, and therefore the guidance would be cross-referenced.




(i)        That the information provided in the report be noted.

(ii)       That the proposed response of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which will be fed into the ongoing consultation process, be agreed.

(iii)     That Members of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee be included in future consultation stages in relation to both documents.


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