Agenda item

Quarterly Performance Report - Report of the Acting Police, Crime and Victims' Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Office of the Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner which updated on performance against the Police, Crime and Victims’ Plan 2018-21 (for copy see file of Minutes).


Presenting the report, the Accountability and Scrutiny Officer focused on two key performance areas, firstly reoffending is reduced, and, secondly, rehabilitation is improved and the public have confidence in the criminal justice system.  The Acting PCVC thanked staff for their hard work undertaken to monitor performance and for the comprehensive way in which scrutiny takes place.


The Interim Chief Executive reported that, at a recent meeting with the Home Office, she presented information on the governance structure, the scrutiny process, and, the challenge made by the Executive Board.  She was pleased to report that the Home Office had informed her that they consider Durham’s approach to be ‘Gold Standard’.


Councillor Boyes made the observation that the report detailed performance during the past twelve months and therefore should be caveated with a reminder of the exceptional circumstances, whilst in the midst of the pandemic.  He commented that, for example, information in the report that one third of offenders had reoffended in the period could be a temporary blip resulting from the pandemic.  The Accountability and Scrutiny Officer responded that the reoffending rate remains relatively constant.  The Chief Executive acknowledged that the report reflects on performance during the pandemic and was therefore not as comparative as under normal circumstances.  She added that in terms of reoffending, there are individuals who are extremely hard to reach, such as those for whom criminality is a way of life. The force performs comparatively well and considerable resources are targeted at reducing reoffending, including prevention and diversion techniques and early intervention work.


The Acting PCVC spoke of the major challenge of the pandemic and he added that demand is expected to increase, which will necessitate a refocus on priorities. The need for continued investment to meet the challenges ahead had featured strongly when considering the issue of precept setting.




That the report be noted.

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