The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources (Interim) which provided the Children and Young People’s Overview and Committee with the opportunity to review and refresh the work programme for 2021/2022 (for copy see file of minutes).
The Overview and Scrtuiny Officer advised that the work programme had been delivered differently due to COVID and there was still a degree of uncertainty in relation to the number of meetings the committee would have allocated in the forthcoming municipal year and asked members to provide suggestions of what items they felt should be included in the new work programme.
Councillor Crute confirmed that there would be some changes to the Committee due to Members stepping down in the forthcoming County Council elections however the increase in FSM eligibility should remain a priority as should the mental health impact of COVID-19. The Committee had previously identified Education, Health and Care Plans as an area of priority and this was still a priority to the committee. The impact of the pandemic could be felt for several years.
That the report be received.
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