Agenda item

To appoint Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the following Committees:

Non-Executive/Regulatory Committees


     i.        Appeals and Complaints Committee

    ii.        Audit Committee

   iii.        Chief Officer Appointments Committee

   iv.        Highways Committee

    v.        Statutory Licensing Committee

   vi.        Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee

 vii.        General Licensing and Registration Committee

viii.        General Licensing and Registration Committee’s

   ix.        Standards Committee

    x.        County Planning Committee

   xi.        Area Planning Committee (North)

 xii.        Area Planning Committee (Central and East)

xiii.        Area Planning Committee (South and West)


Pension Fund Committee


Corporate Parenting Panel


Overview and Scrutiny Committees


     i.        Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

    ii.        Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee

   iii.        Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee

   iv.        Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee

    v.        Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee

   vi.        Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee


Nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair of the following Committees were moved and seconded:


Appeals and Complaints Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor T Duffy be appointed Chair of the Appeals and Complaints Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor D Wood be appointed Chair of the Appeals and Complaints Committee.


For Councillor T Duffy

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor D Wood

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor T Duffy be appointed Chair of the Appeals and Complaints Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor E Mavin be appointed Vice-Chair of the Appeals and Complaints Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor K Shaw be appointed Vice-Chair of the Appeals and Complaints Committee.


For Councillor E Mavin

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor K Shaw

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor E Mavin be appointed Vice-Chair of the Appeals and Complaints Committee.



Audit Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor A Watson be appointed Chair of the Audit Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Fletcher be appointed Chair of the Audit Committee.


For Councillor A Watson

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.



For Councillor C Fletcher

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor A Watson be appointed Chair of the Audit Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor L Fenwick be appointed Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee.



That Councillor L Fenwick be appointed Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee.



Chief Officer Appointments Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor A Hopgood be appointed Chair of the Chief Officer Appointments Committee.



That Councillor A Hopgood be appointed Chair of the Chief Officer Appointments Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor R Bell be appointed Vice-Chair of the Chief Officer Appointments Committee.



That Councillor R Bell be appointed Vice-Chair of the Chief Officer Appointments Committee.



Highways Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor R Ormerod be appointed Chair of the Highways Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Kay be appointed Chair of the Highways Committee.


For Councillor R Ormerod

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Kay

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor R Ormerod be appointed Chair of the Highways Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor D Boyes be appointed Vice-Chair of the Highways Committee.



That Councillor D Boyes be appointed Vice-Chair of the Highways Committee.



Statutory Licensing Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor D Brown be appointed Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Hampson be appointed Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


For Councillor D Brown

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Hampson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor D Brown be appointed Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


1st Vice-Chair Statutory Licensing Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor L Brown be appointed 1st Vice-Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor M Wilson be appointed 1st Vice-Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


For Councillor L Brown

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor M Wilson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor L Brown be appointed 1st Vice-Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.



2nd Vice-Chair Statutory Licensing Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor J Blakey be appointed 2nd Vice-Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Quinn be appointed 2nd Vice-Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


For Councillor J Blakey

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Quinn

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor J Blakey be appointed 2nd Vice-Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee.


1st Chair – Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor D Brown be appointed 1st Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor M Wilson be appointed 1st Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub- Committee.


For Councillor D Brown

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor M Wilson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor D Brown be appointed 1st Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.



2nd Chair – Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor L Brown be appointed 2nd Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Hampson be appointed 2nd Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.


For Councillor L Brown

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Hampson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor L Brown be appointed 2nd Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.



3rd Chair – Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor J Blakey be appointed 3rd Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Quinn be appointed 3rd Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.


For Councillor Blakey

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Quinn

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor J Blakey be appointed 3rd Chair of the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.



General Licensing and Registration Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor D Stoker be appointed Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor M Wilson be appointed Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee.


For Councillor D Stoker

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor M Wilson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor D Stoker be appointed Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee.


Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor C Hunt be appointed Vice-Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Hampson be appointed Vice-Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee.


For Councillor C Hunt

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Hampson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor C Hunt be appointed Vice-Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee.



1st Chair – General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor D Brown be appointed 1st Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor M Wilson be appointed 1st Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee.


For Councillor D Brown

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor M Wilson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor D Brown be appointed 1st Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.



2nd Chair – General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor L Brown be appointed 2nd Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Hampson be appointed 2nd Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.


For Councillor L Brown

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Hampson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Maddison, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor L Brown be appointed 2nd Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.



3rd Chair – General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee

Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor J Blakey be appointed 3rd Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Quinn be appointed 3rd Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.


For Councillor J Blakey

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Quinn

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor J Blakey be appointed 3rd Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee.


Standards Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor E Scott, that Councillor J Nicholson be appointed Chair of the Standards Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor B Kellett be appointed Chair of the Standards Committee.


For Councillor J Nicholson

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor B Kellett

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor J Nicholson be appointed Chair of the Standards Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor F Tinsley be appointed Vice-Chair of the Standards Committee.



That Councillor F Tinsley be appointed Vice-Chair of the Standards Committee.



County Planning Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor G Richardson be appointed Chair of the County Planning Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Wilson be appointed Chair of the County Planning Committee.


For Councillor G Richardson

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Wilson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor G Richardson be appointed Chair of the County Planning Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor A Bell be appointed Vice-Chair of the County Planning Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor P Taylor be appointed Vice-Chair of the County Planning Committee.


For Councillor A Bell

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Taylor, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor P Taylor

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor A Bell be appointed Vice-Chair of the County Planning Committee.



Area Planning Committee (North)

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor M McGaun be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (North).


Moved by Councillor R Crute, Seconded by Councillor J Miller that Councillor C Marshall be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (North).


For Councillor M McGaun

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Marshall

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor M McGaun be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (North).


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor A Watson be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Planning Committee (North).



That Councillor A Watson be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Planning Committee (North).



Area Planning Committee (Central and East)

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor D Freeman be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (Central and East).


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor P Taylor be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (Central and East).


For Councillor D Freeman

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor P Taylor

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor D Freeman be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (Central and East).


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Deinali be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Planning Committee (Central and East).



That Councillor S Deinali be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Planning Committee (Central and East).



Area Planning Committee (South and West)

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor G Richardson be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (South and West).


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor M Johnson be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (South and West).


For Councillor G Richardson

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor M Johnson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor G Richardson be appointed Chair of the Area Planning Committee (South and West).


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor A Savory be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Planning Committee (South and West).


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Quinn be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Planning Committee (South and West).


For Councillor A Savory

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Quinn

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor A Savory be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Planning Committee (South and West).



Pension Fund Committee

Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor B Kellett be appointed Chair of the Pension Fund Committee.



That Councillor B Kellett be appointed Chair of the Pension Fund Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor M Abley be appointed Vice-Chair of the Pension Fund Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor J Atkinson be appointed Vice-Chair of the Pension Fund Committee.


For Councillor Abley

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor J Atkinson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor M Abley be appointed Vice-Chair of the Pension Fund Committee.



Corporate Parenting Panel

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor M Simmons be appointed Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Varty be appointed Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


For Councillor M Simmons

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Varty

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor M Simmons be appointed Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor M Walton be appointed Vice-Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor R Adcock-Forster be appointed Vice-Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


For Councillor M Walton

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor R Adcock-Forster

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor M Walton be appointed Vice-Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel.



Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor C Martin be appointed Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor J Miller that Councillor R Crute be appointed Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


For Councillor C Martin

Councillors Abley, Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor R Crute

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor C Martin be appointed Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor C Lines be appointed Vice-Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor A Batey be appointed Vice-Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


For Councillor C Lines

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor A Batey

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor C Lines be appointed Vice-Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.



Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor C Hood be appointed Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Deinali be appointed Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor C Hood

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Deinali

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor C Hood be appointed Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor J Cosslett be appointed Vice-Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor C Varty be appointed Vice-Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor J Cosslett

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor C Varty

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor J Cosslett be appointed Vice-Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.



Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor J Charlton be appointed Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor D Boyes be appointed Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor J Charlton

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor D Boyes

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor J Charlton be appointed Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor B Avery be appointed Vice-Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor P Atkinson be appointed Vice-Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor B Avery

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor P Atkinson

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor B Avery be appointed Vice-Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor B Coult be appointed Chair of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor E Adam be appointed Chair of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor B Coult

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Lines, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor E Adam

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor B Coult be appointed Chair of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor J Elmer be appointed Vice-Chair of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Townsend be appointed Vice-Chair of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor J Elmer

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Townsend

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor J Elmer be appointed Vice-Chair of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee.



Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor B Moist be appointed Chair of the Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor R Manchester be appointed Chair of the Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor B Moist

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor R Manchester

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor B Moist be appointed Chair of the Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor A Jackson be appointed Vice-Chair of the Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor K Earley be appointed Vice-Chair of the Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor A Jackson

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor K Earley

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor A Jackson be appointed Vice-Chair of the Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee.



Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee

Moved by Councillor L Brown, Seconded by Councillor J Nicholson, that Councillor P Jopling be appointed Chair of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor S Quinn be appointed Chair of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee.


For Councillor P Jopling

Councillors Avery, Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, Cairns, Charlton, Cochrane, Cosslett, Coult, Currah, Duffy, Elmer, Fantarrow-Darby, Freeman, Haney, Hawley, Heaviside, Henderson, Holmes, Hood, Hopgood, Howarth, Howey, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Jopling, Maddison, Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, McAloon, McDonnell, McGaun, Moist, Molloy, Nicholson, Oliver, Ormerod, Peeke, Potts, J Quinn, Reed, Richardson, M-I Roberts, Robson, Rooney, Rowlandson, Scott, Sexton, Shield, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Simpson, Stead, Stelling, Sterling, Stoker, Stubbs, Sutton-Lloyd, Walton, Watson, Wilkes and Zair.


For Councillor S Quinn

Councillors Adam, Adcock-Forster, Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, Binney, Boyes, Chaplow, Charlton-Lainé, Crute, Deinali, Earley, Fenwick, Fletcher, Griffiths, Gunn, Hall, Hampson, Hanson, Henig, Higgins, Hovvels, Johnson, Kay, Kellett, Kennedy, Manchester, Marshall, McKenna, McKeon, McLean, McMahon, Miller, Mulholland, Nicholls, Pringle, Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, Shaw, Smith, Surtees, Taylor, Tinsley, Townsend, Varty, Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, Wood and Yorke.



That Councillor P Jopling be appointed Chair of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor C Marshall, Seconded by Councillor R Crute, that Councillor R Charlton-Lainé be appointed Vice-Chair of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee.



That Councillor R Charlton-Lainé be appointed Vice-Chair of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee.