Agenda item

Additional Guidance for Humanism


The Chair gave a brief explanation around the additional guidance for Humanism and that SACRE were not able to endorse the guidance and should have only noted the report at the meeting held in March 2020.


S Walker indicated that at the March 2020 SACRE meeting a couple of amendments were suggested for the document and the correct version of the document was contained on the North East Humanist website.


She then advised Members that it was herself who brought the document to Durham SACRE and advised that other authorities had endorsed the document.She was happy to withdraw the request to endorse the document given that SACRE cant endorse documents. The document had been used and they had received a lot of positive feedback from secondary and primary teachers and Humanists had been using the resources themselves when they went into schools.


In response to a statement from S Walker regarding comments against Humanists, the Chair indicated that SACRE was an inclusive and diverse space with people from all religions and non-religious world views. Members were reminded that they needed to give thought and consideration to words very carefully and he was committed to this as Chair of SACRE.


W Gray indicated that she was pleased that the position on the endorsement of the Humanist guidance document had been clarified. She suggested that they formally thank the North East Humanist society for proposing the document. She also suggested that SACRE investigate the possibility of the Durham SACRE Agreed Syllabus 2020 being revised early to incorporate a specific section on non-religious world views, that currently was not contained withing within the agreed syllabus.


The Chair referred to the early revision of the Durham Agreed Syllabus and indicated that he would take legal advice on this to ascertain if legislation would allow this.


The Chair then formally thanked the North East Humanist Society for the guidance document on behalf of Durham SACRE.


In response to a question as to why SACRE could not endorse the document the Chair advised Members that a legal colleague would attend the November meeting, and this could be discussed at that meeting, but the advice he was given was that the document could be noted but not endorsed.


Members briefly discussed additional support materials for teachers on non-religious world views. The Chair indicated that this was to be considered under Agenda Item No.10.