Agenda item

Decision Update


PLANNING ref: PL/5/2011/0215

Land Rear of 1 Grange Terrace, Shotton Colliery


Consideration was given to the decision update in relation to the above application which was considered at the meeting on 6th September 2011. The submitted plans indicated that the full length of the rear lane which led to the application site would be tarmaced by the applicant. At the meeting, the applicant’s agent also indicated that this would be the case. It was resolved that the application be approved subject to conditions, two of which required the rear lane to be resurfaced and for appropriate drainage to be installed.


Since this meeting the applicant had indicated that the rear back lane would not be tarmaced as indicated on the approved plans. It was now the applicants intention to fill potholes with dolomite and cover part of the rear lane with a 50mm covering of chippings.


The resurfacing of the road, as now proposed, although not to the standard indicated previously, was considered acceptable to Highways Officers, and is satisfactory to discharge the planning condition.




That the information given, be noted.


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