Agenda item

4/11/00789/FPA Former PPA Building, Green Lane, Durham

Erection of student accommodation building comprising of 112 studio flats


Erection of Student Accommodation Building Comprising of 112 Studio Flats


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


He advised that since the report had been prepared, one further objection had been received which reiterated concerns received. In addition Local Plans Officers had responded that the development was considered to be acceptable in principle, and that it had the potential to alleviate pressure on existing housing areas with strong student rent market. 


Mr Hayton of Whinney Hill Community Group addressed the Committee and expanded on the issues which were outlined in their letter of objection and were summarised in the report. He was concerned that if approved the proposed development would exacerbate parking problems and traffic congestion in the area of Whinney Hill. He was also concerned that the design of the building was not sympathetic to surrounding properties which were historical, and that the site was close to the World Heritage Site. He disagreed with Planning Officers that Whinney Hill residents would not be affected by the scheme because of their proximity to Green Lane. He was also of the opinion that it would exacerbate the housing problems in the City, that the development would increase the number of temporary residents and contribute to the exodus of permanent residents from the City.


Mr Parkinson, the applicant stated that they had worked closely with Planning Officers to create a development which would meet their requirements in terms of scale, design and massing. The scheme would make a positive contribution to the City by re-developing a site that had stood unused for some time.


The proposed scheme would not harm the existing local community or highway safety, and was in accordance with local, regional and national planning policy.


The Highways Officer stated that as the scheme was to provide student accommodation, high level parking was not required and there was cycle provision on site. The surrounding streets were either pay and display or had parking restrictions imposed, and no resident parking permits were issued. This was a former commercial building and if brought back into commercial use would be more likely to generate parking problems and traffic congestion than the scheme proposed.


The Principal Planning Officer responded to the issues raised and concurred with the objector that there were historic buildings around the site, however Green Lane did not contain a uniformity of architectural styles, and could therefore accommodate a contemporary design. Whilst the site was close to Whinney Hill it was sufficiently detached from it that the amenities of residents would not be adversely affected.


Councillor Freeman stated that he accepted that limited parking was designed to discourage students to use cars but he was concerned that this would not be a deterrent and as a consequence vehicles would park in the residential streets. He also had concerns regarding the size of the development, the visual impact it would have and the amount of student accommodation in the City, of which more was proposed.


Members determined the application and reference was made to design of the prison building which was not in keeping with the historical buildings and was located in the Whinney Hill area. It was considered that this type of student accommodation may help to alleviate the housing problems in the City that had been referred to. The building was in keeping with the new development next door and had been designed to mitigate the effects of massing. However Members expressed concern at the use of white rendering to the front and were advised that condition 3 required details of materials, including colour to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. It was suggested that local Members be consulted on the colour of the proposed rendering.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the following additional condition:-


(i)                 Notwithstanding the details shown on submitted plans no development shall commence until precise details of the design and extent of the proposed section of parapet wall atop of second floor have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the development shall be implemented in accordance with approved details.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity having regard to Policies E6, E22 AND H16 of the City of Durham Local Plan 2004.   

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