Agenda item

4/11/00748/FPA Plot 5N and Plot 5S Bishopgate, 48 North End, Durham

Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. dwelling houses


Demolition of Existing Bungalow and Erection of 2 No. Dwelling Houses


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended approval of the above application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


He advised that since the report had been prepared, two further objections had been received, together with comments from the Tree Officer who considered that the trees within the site were of little merit and not worthy of TPO, and that protective fencing must be erected to protect trees to be retained. The Officer also raised concerns over the impact upon the cherry tree numbered TO2.


He also advised of a slight change to condition 9 to remove the reference to sewer diversion as it was not relevant.


Councillor G Holland, local Member spoke on behalf of local residents. He referred to the considerable planning history in relation to this site which he believed had affected public confidence.


Whilst residents accepted that this was a brownfield site they were concerned that unless there was mature screening they would face onto large areas of brickwork. The proposed scheme did not fit with the styles of other properties in the area and at 6 and 7 bedrooms the buildings would dwarf the modest houses nearby. They were also conflicting in style and size, and he made specific reference to the flat dormer roofs and the aluminium cladding. The distances between the boundaries of existing properties and the development had been queried previously because inaccurate plans had been provided, making it difficult to determine exact measurements.


The Principal Planning Officer responded to the issues raised stating that he appreciated the concerns expressed relating to the accuracy of plans  provided previously but assured the Member that this had been resolved and residents concerns taken on board. With regard to the protection of privacy a condition had been included requiring the submission of a detailed landscaping scheme and residents could be consulted on this. The proposed properties were in keeping with the surrounding area and the flat dormer roofs were sympathetic to the traditional style. He confirmed that the proposed aluminium cladding was to be changed by the developers. Northumbrian Water had advised that surface water drainage on site was adequate but a scheme would be agreed with the developer.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the removal of the reference to the sewer diversion scheme from condition 9.     

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