Agenda item

Strategic Risk Management - Progress Report for 2021/2022: Review 1 January 2021 - 31 May 2021


The Committee received a report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources which highlighted the strategic risks facing the Council and which gave an insight into the work carried out by the Corporate Risk Management Group between January and May 2021. The report also identified any emerging risks that were in the process of being assessed (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Risk, Insurance and Governance Manager highlighted the changes since the last report.  He informed Members that two risks relating to the recruitment and retention of residential workers at the secure children’s home and the potential long-term impacts of Covid-19 on educational attainment had been added to the risk register.  There was also an emerging risk of the uncertainties and challenges around Government plans to improve health and social care and that there continued to be a significant uncertainty in terms of Covid-19 and the UK exit from the European Union.


Mr Robinson referred to the identified critical risks, which had been fairly static for a number of years and asked whether there were any specific actions which could be taken to try and reduce the impact or the likelihood of these risks.  The Risk, Insurance and Governance Manager replied that these risks were assessed on an ongoing basis.


Mr Robinson stated that the Committee had focussed on the six Key Risks for a period of time and asked whether there was an opportunity for it to focus on other risks where there may be something more active which could be monitored.  The Interim Corporate Director of Resources replied that a report could be brought to the next meeting which would contain more detail of what underpinned each of the strategic non-Key Risks.



That the report provides assurance that strategic risks were being effectively managed within the risk management framework across the Council and that reports to future meetings contain more detail of what underpinned each of the strategic non-Key Risks


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