Agenda item

7/2011/0440/DM - Land Adjacent to 50 Station Road, Sedgefield

Erection of 1 no. 2.5 storey dwelling


Erection of 1 No. 2.5 Storey Dwelling


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


Councillor J Robinson, local Member addressed the Committee on behalf of local residents, Sedgefield Town Council and Sedgefield Civic Trust.


He considered that the application contravened Local Plan Policy D5 and Policy H17 of the former Sedgefield Borough Local Plan. He was concerned that the proposed development was only 15 feet away from the properties on Queens Drive at the rear of the development, and the living room was to be located on the first floor with a balcony. This would result in overlooking into the properties on Queens Drive and would have an impact on the privacy of residents.


Residents were also concerned that the development was out of character, being a modern development in a Conservation Area and surrounded by mature properties built in the 1940s and 1950s.


In conclusion, he understood that the Localism Bill required that a local authority, in making decisions which would have an impact upon local residents, should take into account the views of the community.


Mr Wilkinson, local resident reiterated the comments put forward by Councillor Robinson. Whilst the property was of an attractive design it was not in keeping with the scale and form of adjacent dwellings. It was out of character with the other properties in Station Road which was located on one of the main access routes into the village. He was also concerned with the distance between the proposed dwelling and the boundaries of the properties on either side, together with the potential impact on biodiversity; a large area of hardstanding was proposed which raised concerns about surface water drainage.


The Government had amended national policy to prevent ‘garden grabbing’ but if this application was approved he believed it would set a precedent for further garden developments.


Members deliberated the application and asked a number of questions in relation to the issues raised.


In response the Principal Planning Officer advised that the separation distance between facing habitable rooms was more than double the minimum requirement of 21 metres, and the oblique angle of the new development would ensure that overlooking and privacy would not have a significant adverse impact on the residents of Queens Road. The side separation distances from immediately adjacent dwellings were acceptable, and a Member noted that the density in this part of Station Road was less than in the surrounding area.


Whilst of a modern design the scheme had been amended to reflect the properties on either side and to be in keeping with the other developments along Station Road, which was a mix of hipped and gable roofs. Whilst some hardstanding was proposed, the rear garden area would be retained, and therefore it was not envisaged that there would be any problems with surface water drainage. Northumbrian Water had offered no objections to the proposal and an abandoned water main ran directly through the proposed site.


With regard to ‘garden grabbing’, Members were advised that amended PPS3 explained how local authorities and communities should decide the best locations and types of developments in their own areas. It did not prevent housing development in garden curtilage but placed the emphasis on the local planning authority and community to decide whether the scale and design was appropriate for the location. Each application had to be considered on its merits and therefore, if approved, this development would not set a precedent. The views of residents were important and were taken into account but this had to be balanced with the need to have regard to planning principles.  




That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.




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