Agenda item

6/2011/0178/DM - Oakwood, Redford, Hamsterley

Part-retrospective application for the change of use from residential to a mixed use of residential and keeping of animals with associated hardstanding, fencing and outbuildings. Erection of lean-to extension to dwelling


Part-retrospective Application for the Change of Use from Residential to a Mixed Use of Residential and Keeping of Animals with Associated Hardstanding, Fencing and Outbuildings. Erection of Lean-to Extension to Dwelling


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site. A site visit had taken place that day and Members were familiar with the location and setting.


Mr Ridgeon, the applicant’s Agent stated that the application sought to regularise the use that was currently taking place at the property and had done so for two years without any problems. This was not a commercial enterprise but a hobby. As a breed huskies did not bark much and a Site Management Plan had been drawn up in consultation with Environmental Health to control feeding times and supervision. It also ensured that the huskies followed a structured day to minimise noise disturbance.


Councillor G Richardson, as local Member advised that the concerns expressed by residents should be taken into account, and that neighbours had complained about howling from the dogs, rather than barking.


In deliberating the application Members noted that on the site visit there had been little noise from the huskies, however they welcomed the implementation of a Site Management Plan which would be enforceable on receipt of any complaint. They were satisfied that it was not a business venture and that there were measures in place to ensure that the dogs would not increase in numbers through breeding. Members were advised of the arrangements for disposal of waste and how surface water drainage was managed.


Reference was made to condition 3 in the report which specified that within 3 years the number of dogs kept at the property should be no more than 14 in total. Members appreciated that the condition had been included to ensure that the number of dogs kept at the premises would not increase, and that an application could be made to vary the condition if necessary. However, they were concerned that the length of time specified was not adequate, and following discussion agreed to extend the time period to 5 years. 




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to condition 3 being amended to read as follows:-


3.         Within 5 years of the date of this permission and subject to the provisions of condition 2, the number of dogs kept at the property known as Oakwood shall be no more than 14 in total.


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