Agenda item

Health Protection Assurance


The Committee received a report of the Director of Public Health that provided an update on health protection assurance arrangements in County Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Director of Public Health advised that updates come from the implementation of the health protection action plan, overseen by the Health Protection Assurance and Development Group (HPADG).  The direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic was covered in reports from the Health Protection Assurance Board (HPAB). The report would pick up on the indirect effects of COVID-19 as to the impact on relevant work programmes.



(a)     That the content of the report be noted.

(b)     That performance in County Durham for all childhood immunisation programmes exceeds both standards and national averages be noted.

(c)     That the report provides broad assurance that effective processes are in place for each of the key strands of health protection activity.

(d)     That the need for further assurance in relation to flu and COVID-19 vaccination be supported.

(e)     That the need for assurance on the transfer of Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Public Health England (PHE) functions including health protection and screening and immunisation programmes and emergency response be supported.

(f)      That further identification and response to emerging health protection priorities and be updated accordingly, be supported.

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