The Committee considered the report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources that provided suggested work programme for 2021/2022 (for copy see file of minutes).
The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer highlighted the flexible work programme which would be covered in the five meetings scheduled from September 2021 to May 2022 including CQC data and plans for winter.
The Chair asked about access to GPs and Oral Health appointments. The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officers informed members that access to GPs had been a bespoke piece of work that would come back to committee. He would speak to CCG partners about oral health appointments and report back.
Councillor Charlton-Laine asked if the Integrated Care System would be discussed and was advised that legislation was currently going through parliament and updates and associated guidance would be reported to committee in October.
Councillor Crute supported the suggestion to look at this and understand the impact this would have on the CCGs. He said that there would need to be scope in the work programme to look at any emerging issues.
Councillor Gunn added that it was important to look at crucial areas such as care homes and nursing homes.
(i) That the proposed Adults Wellbeing and Health OSC work programme for 2021/22 be received.
(ii) That the Adults Wellbeing and Health OSC work programme for 2021/2022 and the flexibility it offers to respond to emerging issues be agreed.
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