Agenda item

6/2011/0301/DM - The Countryman Public House, Bolam

Provision of 30 no. pitches for touring caravans and camping with associated toilet and shower block


Provision of 30 No. Pitches for Touring Caravans and Camping with Associated Toilet and Shower Block


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Mr Lewis addressed the Committee on behalf of 7 objectors to the application. The proposal would significantly detract from the amenities of local residents and contravened National and Local Planning Policy. The proposed development could result in up to 120 people in the village, swamping local facilities. There was also the potential for increased noise from the site, and a risk of odours and spillage from the water treatment plant and toilet block. There had been problems with the sewage system in Bolam in the past and he was concerned that this would be exacerbated by the proposed development.          .


The application would be harmful to the setting which was an area of high landscape value within a Conservation Area and he believed that the screening proposed would be inadequate. There would be a constant movement of vehicles on and off the site during the day, resulting in an increase in traffic in the village.


Mr Leeming, the applicant’s Agent stated that the application had been designed to provide a sustainable development with minimum impact on the village. There were already 5 seasonal pitches on the land and there were other similar sites throughout the region.


He provided details of the landscaping scheme submitted which he believed would mitigate the visual impact of the site. As the Landscape Section and Planning Officers did not agree with the mix of planting the applicant would be prepared to amend the submitted scheme. With regard to the historic landscape setting and the Scheduled Ancient Monument Leggs Cross he considered that visually these would be unaffected by the site. The footprint of the toilet/shower block was only 15 sq metres and there would be no other alterations to land levels.


Mr Stabler, the applicant reiterated the comments made in his statement included in the report. He stated that he employed many local people but as the pub trade had declined in general, he wished to diversify his business. The 5 seasonal pitches had been successful and he had held rallies on the site in the past without problem. If the application was approved the site would continue to be seasonal, and the caravans and tents would be adequately screened by existing topography and the proposed landscaping scheme. An increase in the number of pitches would not only help his business but would encourage more tourism in an area of historical interest.


Councillor J Rowlandson referred to the issues raised in the Planning Officer’s report with regard to potential harm to a protected species, the great crested newts. He pointed out that of the three ponds referred to, one had only been in existence since 2010 and another was separated from the caravan site by a road. The applicant was sensitive to the importance of the setting of Bolam and asked Members to look favourably on the application.


In deliberating the application Members discussed the potential impact on great crested newts, noting that the local planning authority was unable to discharge its duty under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. By way of clarification, N Carter, Legal Officer stated that great crested newts were a protected species and as such the local planning authority had to have regard to the requirements of the Habitats Directive. Therefore, where there was likely to be a disturbance to  newts the local planning authority must consider whether a relevant licence should be obtained from Natural England.  It was the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that there were would be no adverse effect on great crested newts, and the County Ecologist considered that insufficient information had been provided by Mr Stabler to allow the local planning authority to properly consider the potential impact.


The Committee also considered the visual impact of the proposed development and whilst some Members considered that screening would mitigate this, others felt that landscaping had not been adequately addressed by the applicant. 


Having taken these factors into account the Committee RESOLVED


That the application be refused for the reasons outlined in the report.



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