Agenda item

Quarter 2, 2011/12 Performance Management Report:

Presented by Graham Tebbutt, Customer and Services Intelligence Manager – Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Chair introduced the Customer and Services Intelligence Manager, Graham Tebbutt who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 2, 2011/12 Performance Management Report (for copy, see file of minutes).


The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager reminded Members of the changes in performance reporting and noted the table set out on page 8 of the papers that highlighted the performance indicators and performance of actions against target, 33 actions being on track.


The Committee learned that the key achievements in Quarter 2 were:


·        The percentage of people enrolled on accredited courses support by DCC’s Adult Learning Services being 92.3%, against a target of 90%.

·        The number of people engaged in cultural events had increased by 7% with a 90% event rating of good or very good.

·        A reduction in the number of non-decent homes, now 34%, down from 37% in Quarter 1 and 40% last year.


The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager explained that three key performance issues going forward were:


·        The number of empty properties being brought back into use as a result of Local Authority intervention being 20 against a target of 40, albeit Housing Renewal believed that the year end target of 80 would be achieved as arrangements was embedded.

·        The percentage of bus services running on time, 90% with the target being 95%.  It was explained that it was thought that there may have been issues on one particular day at Durham bus station which may have been due to local road network issue.

·        The occupancy rates of Council Owned Factories and Business Support Centres was at 76%, a percentage high than set out in the report, although this was still below the target of 78%.  Members noted a £2 Million investment from the Capital Programme and the Business Space Strategy setting out a five year investment programme had been scheduled for November 2011.


Member noted the Tracker Indicators set out at paragraph 7 of the report in relation to the rise in the number of 18-24 year olds claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), the rise in the number of people claiming JSA for one year or more, a continued reduction in the employment rate an increase in the number of homelessness preventions.


The Committee learned that National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Consultation was ongoing, with the changes to affect the County Durham Plan significantly.  Members noted that the CDP first draft would be September 2012, a final draft in May 2013, a consultation period running through March 2014 with implementation in April 2014.



In relation to the Actions against the Council Plan, Members noted that 45 of the 48 actions in relation to the Altogether Wealthier theme were either on track on had been achieved, with two behind target and with one being proposed to be deleted.


The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager explained that the “coordinated response to development enquiries” Action had been completed a Quarter ahead of schedule and that the completion date for the County Durham Cycling Strategy had moved from July 2011 back to December 2011.  Members learned that “transport infrastructure and public transport improvements – Priority 1 Corridor A692” had been delayed as a Section 106 Agreement regarding roundabout improvements was pending a planning appeal relating to an opencast site, no revised deadline was known.  The Committee noted that the “Durham Greenbelt at Bowburn” was taken out of the Service Plan, though work would continue via the process established for dealing with major site enquiries.  The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager explained that the major risk to the delivery of the objectives of the Theme was the loss of Area Based Grant (ABG) funding and than an Action Plan was being developed to mitigate the risk as far as possible, although it was recognised as a significant risk for at least the next 4 years.


The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager concluded by explaining that other significant risks included worsening private housing stock condition; reduced allocation of deprivation based grants due to the Council’s new deprivations status; and diminishing capital resources, continuing depressed land values and slow growth in the private sector.


The Chair thanked the Customer and Services Intelligence Manager and asked Members for their questions. 


Councillor J Cordon asked whether there was to be a focus on homelessness as opposed to preventions and whether transport connectivity would be reviewed more in depth.  The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager noted that the number of homeless preventions was used as an indicator as the actual numbers of people in temporary accommodation had not been a large number in the past.  Accordingly, it was noted that the figures used are the number of people “presenting” as homeless and also the number of “preventions”.  Members were informed that changes to Welfare, specifically Housing Benefit, could see an effect on the figures in cases of under-occupancy, just as one example.  Councillors noted that a new Tenancy Strategy was scheduled for the end of June 2012 to hopefully help mitigate any risks.  In relation to the Transport Connectivity, the Customer and Services Intelligence Manager noted that the Section Manager – Infrastructure, Andrew Leadbeater was in attendance to present information to Members at a later agenda item. 


Councillor M Williams noted his disappointment as regards the Durham Green at Bowburn scheme not having been successful.  The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager noted that it was originally saw by the Council as a strategic site, with aspiration for employment to be generated, however, the landowner had not wished to take the scheme forward due to the condition of the housing market.


Mr JB Walker asked whether the figure of 78% of bus services running on time was accurate as this was not his experience of services at Chester-le-Street.  The Section Manager – Infrastructure explained that the indicator and target were for the “start times” of journeys and not times en route and that for a further breakdown of statistics would need to be requested from the Operator, GO North East.


Mr A Kitching asked why private housing stock condition was deteriorating as set out at paragraph 16(a).  The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager explained that in the current economic climate private landlords may choose not to, or be unable to, invest in their properties and this leads to a risk of empty properties, and those in a less suitable state.  It was noted that the Council may be able to help in this regard through group repair schemes, though again the risk of Welfare changes could affect the income and responsibilities of private landlords.


Mr T Batson noted the importance of the Localism Bill and sustainability.  Councillor E Tomlinson noted that the 2014 seemed a long way off as concerning the CDP, however, there was ongoing work regarding Rural Groups, Town and Village Plans and more so “Localism” was being incorporated and developed within Council policies.




That the report be noted.


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