Agenda item

Vote of thanks to Retiring Mayor/Consort and Deputy Mayor/Mayoress


Councillor M Wilson offered a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor/Consort Katie Corrigan and Dr Bill Moir who had maintained the high standard the position required during a most difficult time.


Katie Corrigan was elected Mayor of Durham in 2019 and became the youngest Mayor of Durham and Chairman of Durham County Council in Durham’s history. She recalled her most memorable moment at Durham Miners Gala in June 2019 when the Mayor gave her Mayoral address to over 200,000 people and received 3 ovations from the crowd. 


She congratulated them on their tireless efforts in relation to her chosen charity, the Cheesy Waffles project.


On behalf of Charter Trustees, she thanked the retiring Deputy Mayor/Mayoress, Councillor Hovvels and Audrey Laing for the support they had given to the Mayor/Consort over the last 2 years and wished them all well on their future endeavours.