Report of the Corporate Director of Resources (Interim) – presented by the Overview and Scrutiny Officer.
The Chair asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer to speak to Members in relation to an update on the Work Programme 2021/22 for the Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).
The Overview and Scrutiny Officer reminded Members of the work programme as agreed at the July meeting of the Committee, noting that areas for consideration now had meeting dates aligned with the proposed items and was set out at Appendix 2 to the report. He noted issues included arson and anti-social behaviour, with work ongoing with Officers in those areas. It was added the work programme remained flexible to be able to accommodate any issues that may arise during the year.
Councillor J Quinn asked if, given the comments from Members at Committee, whether the issue of anti-social behaviour could be brought forward to the November meeting. The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted he would speak with the relevant partners and Officers to check as regards availability and then speak with the Chair. The Chair noted there were many new Members and she felt additional briefing sessions would be beneficial in providing insight.
That the updated work programme for 2021/2022 and the flexibility it offers to respond to emerging issues be noted.
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