The Panel welcomed Robert Johnson from Investing in Children and Caitlyn Gray, representing the young people of the Children in Care Council who were in attendance to provide an update on the CiCC’s recent activities, including the following (for copy of presentation see file):
· Caitlyn explained that she was one the young people who had met with the Ofsted inspectors during their focussed visit in July and she spoke of how much she had enjoyed talking to the inspectors and how she was pleased to see their excellent feedback.
· The recent CiCC training session with the police had resulted in very positive feedback and follow-up work will take place.
· A research project is being undertaken into the experiences of the young people of the CiCC during lockdown in order to identify the young people’s views and to look at how the findings can be shared.
· Virtual foster care training had taken place and meetings are returning ‘in person’ as COVID-19 restrictions are eased. CiCC members led the training with input from new members and the feedback from foster carers was excellent.
· Peer mentor training took place over the summer for CiCC members and a meeting will be held in October, with 5-10 year olds, at which older members will be leading the session and answering questions from the younger members, about the Children in Care Council.
· CiCC members are contributing to the development of ‘young people friendly’ care and health plans.
· Caitlyn informed the Panel that whilst Mitchell and Lesley are now studying at university they are continuing to support members of the CiCC to attend future Corporate Parenting Panel meetings from January 2022.
The Panel congratulated all the young people who had studied for exams over the summer and thanked Caitlyn for her comprehensive presentation adding that she is an excellent mentor for the new representatives who will be coming along to future meetings. The Panel placed on record their thanks to the young people of the Children in Care Council for their input which is valued by the Corporate Parenting Panel to inform the programme of work. The Panel also recognised that the CiCC has a wide reach and their views are reflected in work across the Council’s services, as well as being considered by key partner organisations. Members commented on the commitment shown by the young people, observing it is clear that officers and members are very proud of the young people.
Robert Johnson, Project Officer, encouraged members to attend the joint meeting on 19 October, as the young people are working on creative plans for the event. The Chair commented on how much she looks forward to these joint meetings and encouraged Panel members to attend.
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