Agenda item

Proud Moments - Verbal Update


The Strategic Manager spoke of how the service endeavours to raise the profile of the young people looked after, however, as Panel members have observed in the meetings, Caitlyn and the representatives of the CiCC are making this task very easy for officers, as they are doing such a great job. 


The Panel heard about a young person in care who had suffered a number of traumas which had a long-lasting impact on this young person who had, as a result, missed much of their education.  With support from their family, the Virtual School and other professionals, the young person had grown stronger and on their trial day at work, they were offered the position. The Strategic Manager acknowledged this well-deserved achievement for the young person, who had shown great strength in the face of adversity, adding that it is hoped this is just the beginning of a very bright future. Members echoed these comments and wished the young person continued success.