Agenda item

Regulation 44 Visits Update - Report of Project Manager, Children and Young People's Accommodation Sufficiency


The Project Manager for Children and Young People’s Accommodation Sufficiency presented the Regulation 44 Visits Update which provided an update on the plans in place to deliver Regulation 44 visits across all Children’s Homes operated by Durham County Council (for copy of report see file).


The Panel heard how the Corporate Parenting Panel agreed with plans to outsource the Regulation 44 function at a meeting held in February 2021.  An open procurement process was carried out over the summer and NYAS (National Youth Advocacy Service) was awarded the contract, which commenced on 1 September 2021. 


Meetings will be held with NYAS to review the findings and recommendations identified in Regulation 44 visits.  This information will be used to continually review and improve residential care provision.




That the report be noted.


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