Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and the Corporate Director of Resources (Interim) and Treasurer to the Joint Committee.
The Finance Manager asked Members to note the Risk Register Update 2021/22 report, the Joint Committee considering updates on a six-monthly basis. Members recalled that the report set out service risk register and the health and safety risk register, with risks being regularly reviewed by the Durham County Council Risk Management Team in conjunction with the Bereavement Services Manager.
It was explained that the risk relating to “Demand for cremations exceeds capacity” had been downrated from moderate impact, possible likelihood to minor/possible, reflecting the picture national in terms of the pandemic. It was added that the risk relating to “Non-compliance with coronavirus regulations by members of the public leading to a local outbreak and capacity issues in deaths management services” the likelihood was now “unlikely”, that again reflecting the national picture in terms of the pandemic and easing of national restrictions. It was noted there had been no new risks identified, and all risks were within the risk appetite.
That the updated position in relation to the Risk Register be noted.
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