Agenda item

Winter Planning


The Committee received a report from the Director of Integrated Community Services, County Durham Care Partnership that provided an update on the joint work underway between partners to prepare for Winter 2021/22 (for copy see file of Minutes).


Sue Jacques, Chief Executive of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and Chair of the Local Accident and Emergency Delivery Board reported on the plans being put in place across the health and social care system for both surge and cold weather activity/admissions.  She referenced a 13% increase in activity between 2019 and 2021 with hospitals working to manage beds often at the highest levels of operation (OPEL4).  She reported that North East ambulance service had also experienced the highest ever summer demand for ambulance services.


Ms Jacques also referenced the increase in sickness amongst staff due to both COVID-19 and also workplace stress which was also having an impact on the system’s ability to cope with current demand.  She went on to provide updates in respect of the following system service areas:-


·        social care

·        primary care

·        community services

·        acute hospital care

·        mental health services provided by TEWV NHS FT

·        North East ambulance service NHS FT

·        public health

·        Durham County councils highways and technical services

·        Vaccinations programmes.


Members of the Committee raised the issue of patients experiencing difficulties in obtaining face to face GP appointments which was leading to increased pressure on hospital services and on the ambulance service.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer referenced the review the Committee undertook which was reported to the previous Cabinet on access to GP services.  An update was due on progress against the recommendations of that review at the next meeting and as part of that update reference to the issues on face to face GP appointments could be made.


In referring to the impact of long COVID on the demand for health and social care services and the general health and wellbeing of the population it was suggested that a report be brought back to the committee once the detail of this had been assessed.


Members also discussed the demands being placed on the 999 and 111 telephone services and the increase in aborted calls to these.  Concern was expressed about the capacity available within these services to meet current demand with reference being made to and anticipated publication by government of their NH S winter plan and associated allocations to NHS trusts.  Ms Jacques confirmed that the second half yearly allocations had been secured but that these were currently being assessed against system pressures.


Whilst highlighting the high levels of demand currently being placed on the health and social care system, Ms Jacques indicated that the Trust was working hard to increase the availability of elective surgery as this had also been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  To this end it was important that elective surgery was not impacted by any increased demands on emergency surgery during the winter months.  In conclusion, Ms Jacques sort to reassure Members that the system in her mind was well placed to address any increase in demand arising from COVID-19 or any other communicable diseases.  



That the report be noted and further updates be provided to the Committee during the Winter period 2021/22.

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