The Committee received a presentation from the Director of Operations - Durham and Darlington - Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (for copy see file of Minutes).
The presentation highlighted:-
· An update on service provision
· Business Plan or 2021/22
· Demand for services
· CQC Inspection
· Impact of Covid-19
· Staff Health and Wellbeing
The Director of Operations clarified for members that the statistics related to out of area placements referred to patients who were being cared for within the TEWV NHS FT organisational footprint but not necessarily within their residential locality. She referenced the significant pressures being placed upon the organisation in respect of the availability of inpatient beds for Adult mental health services and Mental health services for older people with the former being higher.
In discussing the outcome of the CQC inspection of TEWV NHS FT, members were advised that whilst a re-inspection had taken place in May 2021 of the acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units, Lanchester Road hospital had not been inspected. The Director of Operations then reported upon the inspection improvement plan that had been developed to address those issues identified by the CQC.
Members were informed that the 53 Trust inpatients had tested positive for COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. In response to a question regarding the process is for the vaccination of an inpatient and ensuring that they had provided informed consent, the Director of Operations emphasised that there were no forced vaccinations of any service users and that where necessary and appropriate family consent for vaccinations was always sought.
That the presentation be noted.
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