The Committee received the report of the Director of Public Health that provided an update on the Government Roadmap: COVID-19 Response - Summer 2021, County Durham’s COVID-19 response and the Local Outbreak Management Plan (for copy see file of minutes).
The Director of Public Health reported that since the full easing of COVID-19 restrictions on 19 July a gradual upward increase in cases had been experienced and as of 14 September 2021 the County Durham seven-day rate was 429.7 per 100,000 population. This higher level of community transmission of infection aligned with rates across the North East and everybody was being encouraged to act carefully and remain cautious.
The report set out a number of issues following the route map out of lockdown including changes to the self-isolation guidance, the effectiveness of the vaccination programme, ongoing COVID-19 testing arrangements and the updated operational guidance for the vaccination of people working in care homes published in September by the Department of Health and Social Care.
In responding to Member questions, the Director of Public Health reported on work being coordinated with Durham University regarding the return of students to the City, ongoing activity in engaging with schools to promote vaccinations amongst school children and work in respect of return to the workplace.
That the report and the robust governance and outbreak control arrangements in place to identify, control and contain COVID-19 cases, clusters and outbreaks be noted and agreed.
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