The Committee received the report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources which detailed progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework (for copy see file of minutes).
Councillor Gunn asked question on behalf of Councillor R Charlton-Lainé about the breast-feeding action plan. Councillor Charlton-Lainé asked about developments to support mothers with breast-feeding outside of hospital hours. Angela Harrington, Strategy Team Leader replied that she was happy to take this away and provide some feedback outside of the meeting.
Councillor Hovvels referred to the Safe Street Play Programme which had been rolled out in South Moor and asked whether there were plans to roll this out elsewhere and what the evaluation had been of this. The Strategy Team Leader replied that through the Community Action Teams groups of various resources and agencies had come together to work in a particular geographical area and it was understood this would be rolled out in the future. Evaluation of such schemes was normally a cross-partnership effort and again further feedback could be provided to Councillor Hovvels outside of the meeting.
That the report be noted.
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