Proposed house and detached garage.
The Senior Planning Officer, Jennifer Jennings, gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. The application was for a proposed house and detached garage and was recommended for approval, subject to conditions.
The Chair asked Parish Councillor M Ord, representing Croxdale and Hett Parish Council, to speak in relation to the application.
Parish Councillor M Ord explained as regards the historical and geographical nature of the site, adding it was a small valley, with a culvert from the 1960s and that in the 1980s properties at Wayside had been demolished by the City of Durham Council, with the rubble spread over the application site area creating the current levels. He added that in terms of flooding, the Environment Agency had stated a one in one hundred year risk of flooding, however, he noted a number of near misses, with one only a few days ago. He noted that in terms of the access there was a risk, especially in winter with ice creating a ‘sheet of glass’, with the corner having an adverse camber and the road falling away. He noted the originally planned access would have been preferable, and for that reason, and those outlined within their submission, the Parish Council objected to the application.
The Chair thanked Parish Councillor M Ord and asked Mr Trevor Elsdon, the Applicant, to speak in support of his application.
Mr T Elsdon explained he purchased the site around 15 years ago to allow for a pony to be kept for his daughter. He noted that at that time the site was not fenced and had become a dumping ground, including having a number of scrap vehicles across the site. He noted work with the Environmental Health Officers from the Council at that time in terms of removing the vehicles and securing the site, with some local people being in objection as they had mistakenly believed the site was public. He noted site had not had full-time grazing and added that in moving to retirement he had looked at the possibility of building a home on the site.
Mr T Elsdon explained that the scheme included disabled access in order to accommodate his mother-in-law and he had worked with the Planning Department to look at the best way to move forward. He added that included sourcing local materials to match with the area and to agree a planting scheme to increase diversity of habitat and the blend the property with its surroundings. In respect of the access, he had worked with the Council as regards the arrangements, with the original proposed access at Chair Lane and the new access being that suggested by Highways. He noted the new access would have use as driveway and also be able to be used for vehicles as a ‘pull-in’ for safety and gave good visibility. He concluded by noting that once his family was on-site, they would be able to contribute to village life, with his wife working in the local community.
The Chair thanked the Speakers and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.
Councillor J Elmer asked if the applicant could speak in terms of flooding, having grazed animals at the site over a number of years. Mr T Elsdon noted the site had not flooded over the last 15 years and added the application included a flood plan, with a soakaway and reiterated the Environment Agency comment of flooding being a one in one hundred year event.
The Senior Planning Officer noted that in terms of the rubble being used to level the site in the past, Contaminated Land Officers had noted no objections or issue, though asked for an informative be added in terms of contamination. She explained that Flood Risk Assessment had been submitted which contained a number of recommendations, and noted the Environment Agency had not commented, though the site was not within a flood zone. She added that the Council’s Drainage Team had noted no objections, however advised flood resilient measures should be built into the development. It was noted that the application had been closely assessed by the Principal Highways Engineer and, as the access was set back, there was good visibility.
Councillor J Elmer noted the application appeared, in general, to be a good application, with the applicant noting planting to achieve a biodiversity net gain. He noted with a development such as the one proposed there was the opportunity for technology such as a ground-source heat pump, high-quality insulation and electric vehicle charging points to be included. He noted the issues raised in respect of potential flooding and explained as regards some criticism levelled at the method used by Environment Agency in coming up with predictions such as ‘one in one hundred years’. He therefore asked if there could be conditions associated in terms of such a flood risk. The Senior Planning Officer explained that the previous use as grazing land had limited biodiversity, with the inclusion of a bat box and the Ecology Section added that the boundary scheme would result in a net gain.
She added that the bat box and landscaping scheme were both secured by condition. She explained that Condition 10 referred to the submission of a Flood Risk Assessment to be undertaken before any dwelling would be occupied, with information on issues such as site levels, directing water away from the building, and measures for keeping water on the site to be set out.
The Principal Planning Officer, Paul Hopper explained that the application did not remove permitted development rights in terms of installation of a heat pump and noted County Durham Plan (CDP) Policy 29 referenced the need to minimise greenhouse gases, and therefore there was policy that would support the precise detail of requirements, if Members were so minded. The Chair asked if that condition would be for a negotiation between the Applicant and the Council as regards measures, rather than specific requirements, such as a heat pump or electric vehicle charge points. The Principal Planning Officer noted it would be for the submission and agreement of specific details with Officers, such as heat pump, solar panel or electric vehicle charge points.
Councillor K Shaw noted, upon initially reading the report, he had concerns as regards flooding and highways, however, having listened to the Officers in their presentation he would move that the application be approved, with the additional condition as suggested. Councillor J Elmer seconded the proposal.
Upon a vote being taken it was:
That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out within the report, with an additional condition in respect of a carbon reduction scheme to be submitted and agreed by Officers.
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