Agenda item

Definitive Map Modification Application to record the former road Nanny Pops Lonnen in Spennymoor as Public Bridleway - Joint Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and Corporate Director of Resources


The Committee considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and the Corporate Director of Resources, which provided evidence gathered in support of an application to modify the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way to add a Public Bridleway over a way called ‘Nanny Pops Lonnen’ (for copy see file of minutes).


The Definitive Map Officer advised that the route was believed to have been removed from the list of streets some time in the 1970’s and should have been added to the Definitive Map. 


Councillor Howey queried whether the route went across the A688 and whether there was any danger if increasing the use.  The Definitive Map Officer confirmed that it did cross that highway and precedent had been set with Bridleway no. 58 to the east, which also crossed the A688.  Spennymoor Town Council had responded to query the signage which would be installed and this was a well trod path which was already used locally.


Councillor Wilson moved the recommendation for approval, seconded by Councillor Howey.



That the Definitive Map Modification Order for the addition to the Definitive Map & Statement of a Bridleway between points A & B on the map, known as Nanny Pops Lonnen, be agreed.

Supporting documents: