Agenda item

2021/22 Quarter 2 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance


The Committee received a report of the Occupational Health and Safety Manager which provided an update on the council’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) performance for Quarter two 2021/22 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Occupational Health and Safety Manager highlighted the key areas of the report including:


·        Incidents numbers;

·        COVID 19 Health and Safety Update;

·        Fire Incidents;

·        HSE Inspections;

·        Audit and Inspections;

·        Employee Health and Wellbeing;

·        Occupational Health Service;

·        Management Referrals and Health Surveillance;

·        COVID 19 Response;

·        Open Water Safety;

·        Potentially Violent Persons Register.


Mr Robinson referred to non-attendances at Occupational Health appointments following management referral and asked if there was anything the Committee could do to help address the issue. The Occupational Health and Safety Manager acknowledged the ongoing challenge which has intensified by Covid related factors. He advised that operational shortages in some areas were also a challenge with service pressures due to managers releasing staff to attend appointments. However, it was noted that it is a legislative requirement, and every case is followed up and action is taken by Occupation Health staff.



That the report be noted.


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