Agenda item

External Audit Progress Report - Durham County Council


The Committee received a report of the External Auditor which provided a progress update (for copy see file of minutes).


Mr Collins, Mazars confirmed that the financial statement was signed off on 30 September 2021. He reported that no significant weaknesses were identified and that an update would be provided in relation to work with the National Audit Office around whole of government accounts when that was complete.


Mr Robinson referred to the Council’s Transformation Programme and asked if it was possible for the Committee to receive an update on how value for money is measured across the authority. The Corporate Director of Resources confirmed that an update would be provided at a future meeting.


Mr Rudd noted the instances where declarations of interests had not been received and asked if any sanctions were imposed on Members for not providing the information. The Corporate Director of Resources advised that a number of non-returned forms were from Members that did not stand for re-election which was a contributing factor and it was noted that the process had been strengthened with support from Group Leaders. He added that declaring interests was a requirement of the Council’s Constitution and there would be issues around participating in Council meetings which would be addressed by Legal and Democratic Services. He anticipated a full complement of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest would be recorded and published on the Councils website next year.


The Corporate Director of Resources advised that 91% of Local Authorities failed to meet the statutory reporting deadline and thanked Mr Collins and his team for concluding Durham County Council’s audit process within the deadline.



That the report be noted.


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