Agenda item

Protecting the Public Purse - Update Activity Report as at 30 September 2021


The Committee received a report of the Interim Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager which provided the update activity and informed Members of the work that has been carried out as at 30 September 2021 (for copy see file of minutes).


Mr Rudd referred to the referrals and fraud investigation figures and queried why in some instances there were no prosecution or sanctions enforced. The Fraud Manager explained that all reports of fraud were classified as criminal investigation in the first instance and evidence is gathered to determine whether it remains a criminal investigation or should be downgraded to a compliance issue or controls put in place to retrieve money, therefore not all cases result in prosecution. He added that more serious cases are referred to the police or colleagues in Legal Services and there were several ongoing cases that he anticipated would increase the number of prosecutions and sanctions, with a focus going forward on criminal workloads.



That the report be noted.


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